Note: The feature described on this page is not yet implemented.

Continuation and extension of NUnit's Theories.

  • [Theory] is reserved for use in implementing a new take on "theory tests" as originally implemented in NUnit. Note that this is not equivalent to the TheoryAttribute implemented in xUnit, which is no more than a parameterized test, whereas the original academic work on "theories" gave the responsibility of deciding which inputs are appropriate to the test itself. TC-Lite's [Theory] will do that but may differ in details from the NUnit implementation, which became somewhat frozen in its development in order to preserve backward compatibility. It's possible that [Theory] will not make the cut for the first release of TC-Lite.

  • [Datapoint] and [DatapointSource] or some equivalent will be developed along with theories. More research is needed to identify alternative approaches to either filtering or generating data for theories.