The RandomAttribute is used to specify a set of random values to be provided for an individual numeric parameter of a parameterized test method. TC-Lite combines the data provided for each parameter into a set of test cases representing all possible combinations of the data provided. In general, data must be provided for all parameters if it is provided for any of them.

RandomAttribute supports the following constructors:

public Random(int count);
public Random(int min, int max, int count);
public Random(uint min, uint max, int count);
public Random(long min, long max, int count);
public Random(ulong min, ulong max, int count);
public Random(short min, short max, int count);
public Random(ushort min, ushort max, int count);
public Random(byte min, byte max, int count);
public Random(sbyte min, sbyte max, int count);
public Random(double min, double max, int count);
public Random(float min, float max, int count);

In the first form, without minimum and maximum values, the attribute automatically generates values of the appropriate numeric Type for the argument provided, using the Randomizer object associated with the current context. See Randomizer Methods for details.

In general, the forms that specify a minimum and maximum should be used on arguments of the same type. However, the following exceptions are supported:

  • You may use an int range on arguments of type short, ushort, byte, sbyte and decimal.

  • You may use a double range on arguments of type decimal.

Note that there is no constructor taking decimal values for min and max. This is because .NET does not support use of decimal in an attribute constructor.