TestCaseAttribute identifies a method as a test. In TC-Lite it is used for both simple and parameterized tests. In the case of parameterized tests, the arguments are provided directly by the attribute constructor. See Test Cases for a general introduction to test cases.


Here are some non-parameterized tests.

namespace MyTests
  using System;
  using TCLite;

  public class SimpleTests
    // A simple test
    public void Add()
        Assert.That(2 + 2, Is.EqualTo(4));

    // Test with an expected result
    [Test(ExpectedResult = 4)]
    public int TestAdd()
        return 2 + 2;

The following example uses methods that take arguments. Three cases are provided to each method, so each of them is run three times, with different arguments.

namespace MyTests
  using System;
  using TCLite;

  public class ParameterizedTests
    // Expected value provided as an argument
    [TestCase(2, 2, 4)]
    [TestCase(5, 3, 8)]
    [TestCase(0, 0, 0)]
    public void Add(int x, int y, int answer)
        Assert.That(x + y, Is.EqualTo(answer));

    // Expected value provided as ExpectedResult
    [TestCase(2, 2, ExpectedResult = 4)]
    [TestCase(5, 3, ExpectedResult = 8)]
    [TestCase(0, 0, ExpectedResult = 0)]
    public int TestAdd(int x, int y)
        return x + y;

Argument Types

In general, TC-Lite doesn't do argument conversion but relies on .NET to match any provided arguments to parameters. However, because direct arguments to attributes are limited in terms of the Types that may be used, it does do some special conversions for the TestCase attribute before supplying it to the test.

  • A provided int will be converted to any targeted numeric Type, ignoring overflows.
  • A provided int, double or string will be converted to targeted decimal.
  • A provided string will be converted to targeted DateTime.
  • Any conversions supported by the target Type through TypeDescriptor.GetConverter will be used.

Named Parameters

TestCaseAttribute supports a number of named parameters:

  • Category provides a comma-delimited list of categories for this test case.
  • Description sets the description property of the individual test case.
  • ExpectedResult sets the expected result to be returned from the method, which must have a compatible return type.
  • Ignore causes the test case to be ignored and specifies the reason.
  • IgnoreReason causes this test case to be ignored and specifies the reason.
  • Reason specifies the reason for not running this test case.

See Also