TCLite Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
Assert The Assert class contains a collection of static methods that implement the assertions used in TC-Lite.
AssertionResult The AssertionResult class represents the result of a single assertion.
CategoryAttribute Applies a category to a test
CombinatorialAttribute Marks a test to use a combinatorial join of any argument data provided. Since this is the default, the attribute is optional.
CombiningStrategyAttribute Marks a test as using a particular CombiningStrategy to join any supplied parameter data. Since this is the default, the attribute is optional.
Contains Helper class exposing properties and methods that form part of the Constraint syntax.

Base class for attributes, which provide test arguments directly in the attribute constructor. Since .NET severely restricts the data Types, which may be used in this context, the attribute tries to simulate what that might have been provided in a direct method call.

For example, since you can’t apply attributes using decimal arguments, we allow an int or a double value to be specified and then convert it to decimal.

This class is unsealed and may be inherited by custom user attributes that take test arguments directly.

DefaultToleranceAttribute Sets the tolerance used by default when checking the equality of floating point values within the test assembly, fixture or method.
DescriptionAttribute Provides the descriptive text relating to the assembly, test fixture or test method.
Does Helper class exposing properties and methods that form part of the Constraint syntax.
Has Helper class exposing properties and methods that form part of the Constraint syntax in the primary namespace.
IgnoreAttribute Marks an assembly, test fixture or test method as being ignored. Ignored tests result in a warning message when the tests are run.
IncludeAttribute Marks an assembly, test fixture or test method as applying to a specific Culture.
Is Helper class exposing properties and methods that form part of the Constraint syntax.
PropertyAttribute Attaches information to a test assembly, fixture or method as a name/value pair.
RandomAttribute Supplies a set of random values to a single parameter of a parameterized test.
RangeAttribute Supplies a range of values to an individual parameter of a parameterized test.
TCLiteAttribute The abstract base class for all custom attributes defined by TCLite.
TestCaseAttribute TestCaseAttribute is used to mark both parameterized and non-parameterized test cases. In the case of parameterized tests, it provides the arguments to be used.
TestCaseData The TestCaseData class represents a set of arguments and other parameter info to be used for a parameterized test case. It is derived from TestCaseParameters and adds a fluent syntax for use in initializing the test case.
TestCaseDataAttribute TestCaseDataAttribute indicates the source to be used to provide test cases for a test method. That source may be any static field, property or method in the current fixture or any other class.
TestCaseFactoryAttribute TestCaseSourceAttribute indicates the source to be used to provide test cases for a test method.
TestContext Provide the context information of the current test. This is an adapter for the internal ExecutionContext class, hiding the internals from the user test.
Throws Helper class with properties and methods that supply constraints that operate on exceptions.
ValuesAttribute ValuesAttribute is used to provide literal arguments for an individual parameter of a test.
ValueSourceAttribute Indicates the source used to provide data for one parameter of a test method.
Warn Provides static methods to express conditions that must be met for the test to succeed. If any test fails, a warning is issued.

Delegate Types

Delegate Summary
TestDelegate Delegate used by tests that execute code and capture any thrown exception.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
AssertionStatus AssertionStatus enumeration represents the possible outcomes of an assertion. The order of definition is significant, higher level values override lower ones in determining the overall result of a test.
